6 Tips For Finding Your Blog Niche

Overhead of a essentials objects in a fashion blogger

I'll be the first to admit that when I started my blog, I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was that I needed an outlet for my compulsive fashion obsession and my love of writing. And so it began: a post here, a post there, with no real reason or rhyme. I don't think anyone reading my early posts would have any idea what my blog was actually about, or have a sense of the person writing it.

Slowly, and sometimes painfully, I learned how to reign in my wandering words. Through both positive and critical reader feedback (and advice from my mother, of all people) I started to refine my content. I honed in on my message, and I found my voice. (It happens to be a fashionable sense of humor.) Once I did, things began to pick up steam. I gained more followers on Twitter, higher traffic, and more comments. It didn't happen overnight, and I'm certainly not crazy internet famous, but I'm proud of the results.

This brings me to today's topic: finding your voice & defining your niche. Like I said, this isn't something that's going to happen overnight. You're already unique among blogs because there's only one you; it's just a matter of clarifying your voice for your audience. Keep in mind, you don't have to rush it. The point of this post is merely to inspire you to get the gears turning in your head. I'm encouraging you to figure out what you love, what you're best at, and how to make your blog shine brighter than its peers!

Here are 6 things to consider when trying to define your blog's niche:

  • Start by identifying what's important to you: First and foremost, your blog is about you! No one is forcing your hand, you are in charge. You are the CEO, the CFO and the Editor-in-Chief of your blog. Decide for yourself what you want it to be, and do it with conviction. Sit down and make a list of the characteristics of your ideal blog.
  • You don't have to be the one and only to be good: There are going to be other blogs in your niche, and that’s okay. The market is saturated with lots and lots of them, many about the same things. All you can control is the quality and presence of your own blog in the space – so own it! So what if there are 100,000 fashion blogs out there – figure out what is going to make yours special and unique.
  • Identify your strengths:  What are you good at? Are you a strong writer? An excellent photographer? Can you collage like nobody's business? Are you the funniest person you know? Do your friends always turn to you for styling advice? Maybe you can spot a trend months before anyone is wearing it. If you're not sure – ask! Your friends, family, followers and peers can be a wealth of insight you may have never considered. Ask them if they have a favorite post from your archive. Ask them why they like it. Building a dialog will open up a realm of possibility you might never have considered!
  • Study the blogs you admire: Take a closer look at the sites you visit regularly. What is it that keeps you coming back? What do you get from this blog that you don't get anywhere else? Odds are, that blogger has a specific voice and selection of content that you've come to trust and depend on. While you're at it, try to survey the blog landscape as a whole. Do you notice any holes? What's missing? What aren't people talking about?
  • Like any good journalist, you need an angle: I think there are a couple of ways you can come at this task: You can commit to restricting the kinds of posts you share (runway trends, personal style, DIY, shopping, etc) or you can decide to post about any number of things, with same tone or angle. Whether that angle is “How I would wear it” or tackling everything with humor or only talking about things that are black – just try to be consistent with it. Before you know it, you may become the go-to source for your special pocket of insight or information.
  • Create a mission statement for your blog: Take inspiration from your favorite brands, who often have a mission statement on their web site. Define, in writing, your goal as a publication. This will give you something you can always look back to and remind yourself what your blog is about, and what you stand for!

Ultimately,  writing your blog is about pleasing yourself. Each day, every post, you should be happy to write it, happy to share it, and proud of what you're creating.

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About The Author

Independent Fashion Bloggers (IFB) is a community of fashion bloggers who share their experiences and resources to build a better blog.

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24 Responses

  1. Priyanka

    I agree! This is a good post… mad eme realize that I need to fine tune my niche.

  2. Hallie

    Wow, Taylor – it’s as if this article was a narrative inside my own head!

    Thanks for posting – I loved reading this! And for the record, your personal blog makes my “favorites” niche list. 🙂


  3. Slow Southern Style

    I immediately started my blog in a niche when I created mine since I was looking for niche blogs but couldn’t find any that I wanted to read. I definitely feel that working within the parameters of southern based designers and only covering that has been both a blessing and a curse but ultimately I’ve been very satisfied with how things have progressed.

  4. Daniel Dunt

    I try and obtain a “niche” of Independent design, as this is something I’m extremely passionate about, yet whether people actually “like” my content is another thing. Any opinions? Am I completely rubbish? – Daniel 😀

  5. Zamri A

    Well said. Finding a niche is indeed important. I was once write about anything too, but when i see the loophole that in my every post it can somehow relates to fashion/shopping, then i know i have finally found my voice (though still lack of followers!)

  6. Synthetic

    Thank you for this article! I am only now starting to blog, my blog is about fashion and art, as I’m an artist. I just had to find an outlet for fashion thoughts. Your article was very helpful.

  7. when-vanity-strikes

    I started out the same way too. This should have been posted earlier. I took too long to find my niche.

  8. BlitzAndGlam

    Niche blogs are my favs. I want to know what to expect from blogs and I want to know where I can go for particular info/commentary/pics.

  9. Marcia

    Thanks for this post, it’s certainly very helpful. I’m trying to find my niche for a long time, but I don’t want to limit myself to just one(or two categories) Right now, it’s kind of a mix of inspiration, how-to/tips and lifestyle blog. I guess I should try to limit my categories to a niche.

  10. AVON Representative

    This is a great post 🙂 I have just started my own beauty blog because an an AVON Representative I just love makeup, I cannot get enough of it and so I wanted to start my blog 🙂

  11. KY

    What a fantastic post! I literally JUST went through this last week after taking a break from blogging. It was important to assess what I loved writing about and sharing, as well as taking into consideration what my readers most enjoyed reading. I think I am happy with the result 🙂

    Thanks for this!! Much appreciated! xo

  12. laura

    This is a really great, well-written article! Thanks for the tips. It took me a while to rein in my verbose-ness and also to pick out ways to get readers to come back. I still need to find an actual niche, so I’ll put more of these ideas to work!

  13. Ticka

    I don’t know that I specifically have a niche, but I know I’m being my authentic self, and that’s important to me. I just started, so I’m sure I will evolve over time. I’m just enjoying it right now, and I hope that comes across. Blogging is such a great release.

  14. Katrina

    I’ve been working on re-vamping my blog so this article is very timely 🙂 Great article, great tips! Thanks!

  15. Lovebrown

    This post is so helpful. I know what my niche is, but now I need to find my unique voice and make my blog the best that it can be. Keep these great articles coming!

  16. Mary

    This is such a great post. I’m bookmarking it! I know I’ll be visiting it from time to time for inspiration. Thank you!

  17. Mer

    Great tips! I think for someone who is starting it’s really helpful. Not all blogs must be mainstream or arrive to the wider public. There is audience for every kind of styles!

  18. Jaimin Rafalia

    I first time visit this blog. After reading this post i bookmark this page to visit again this sites.

    Niche blog, it’s the important things when we talk about search engine or adsense. a part from this readers also love niche blog sites.

    Thanks for share this article. 😀

  19. Anastasia

    I blog about food, fashion and animals, I really want to hone my down but I don’t know where to start. Please help!

  20. Ann Krembs

    Thank you for this post Taylor. It’s given me some good things to think about. As I’m trying to figure out how to gain an audience, maybe I need to step back and harness in my niche. Thank you for these clarifying points and questions. Mainly I think I need to answer 1 and 3, but wait, no, ALL of THEM!

    Thank you!

    Ann of Kremb de la Kremb

  21. Angi

    I loved reading this post and I have found it to be very inspirational… I am just beginning in the world of blogging. I have this innate desire to write and post on just about everything and I cant even settle my ideas enough to start a blog period. I have too many interests and ideas… I am stuck on the blog name, my niche, domain name etc. I have come to realize (from reading this post) that it is ultimately for me, about me and what do I need to gain from blogging? I realize that I will find my voice over time…. Thank you.

  22. Martin

    Nice post! I especially like the one about creating a mission statement. It did not occur to me that this could be a good idea to do so! 🙂
