Daily Inspiration: A Head Full of Fears Has No Space For Dreams

head fears dreams

When I was young, I didn't really know people who really went after their dreams. Not in the sense of reaching for the top of the top anyway. When I met someone who wanted to be a photographer, and just applied for jobs at fashion magazines and got them it rocked my world. We all have the fear of rejection, but once it occurred to me that unless I put aside that fear, I would never achieve my dreams. Since then, pretty much every dream I had I've achieved on one level or another. Everyone is afraid at some point, but it's just a matter of deciding if you want to live with your fears or live with your dreams.


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Independent Fashion Bloggers (IFB) is a community of fashion bloggers who share their experiences and resources to build a better blog.

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4 Responses

  1. E-M

    This is just so true. I’ve been very afraid of not reaching anywhere but you know – you just have to believe in it ! 🙂

  2. Sarah-Louise

    I think I definitely needed to see this today! I have been holding back on starting my blog for over a month because I’m scared, I need to just do it!

    • Ruth Ann

      Sarah-Louise, I was the same way for more than a YEAR and just published my website last month. It’s definitely a work-in-progress, but once you go for it, you won’t look back!

  3. Elena

    Gold words!!!!!! We face a lot of critique and words like ” Why don’t you do something else?” and we have to fight with our fears to be successful!
