Daily Inspiration: Your dream job does not exist. You must create it.

create dream job

A few years ago, I went to a talk with Anna Dello Russo who advised everyone to “Invent your job!” The truth is, everyone has special talents that are useful somewhere in some way. We all have our passions, and in order to stand out and be irreplaceable, you really have to create your own dream job.

How do you do this? It's not easy. When I started blogging, only a few people were making a living with their blogs, but I wanted to be one of them. It took a lot of exploration, experimenting and soul searching to get a clear direction of where I wanted to go. It also took a lot of work and stepping into the unknown.

Everyone's dream job is different, so follow your passions and improve your talents. Don't be afraid to step into the unknown and create your own dream job.

[Quote Source]

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Independent Fashion Bloggers (IFB) is a community of fashion bloggers who share their experiences and resources to build a better blog.

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12 Responses

  1. Eileen Willows

    whoa, I was just writing about that saying “if your dream job doesn’t exist, you must create it” earlier today! great stuff.

  2. Kenneth Jacobs

    I definitely know that this is true. Blogging has definitely open some doors for me (in just a few months of blogging) and I’m hoping that it continues! It’s the foundation I’ve been looking for to help me get my foot in the door in the fashion industry (without a degree in fashion). I hope we all can make our dreams come true and succeed to our full potential! 😀

  3. kanaej

    Well said. Thank you! I really needed this as I make my steps toward leaving science behind.

  4. Jennifer Rose

    Yes! Keep going girls! Create your life! No one can do this for you except you! – JR of SpoiledLittleLAGirls.com

  5. Ellen

    Love this Quote! Very true. Making a living from a fashion blog did not exist when I started my fashion blog 7 years ago.

    If you love doing something. Just do it and create your own job!

  6. Ayida

    I have this exact same quote hanging on my wall. I found it on Pinterest about a year ago and realised this is so true. I decided to start working towards creating my dream job. So far so good!

  7. Anastasia Polosina

    No doubts, it’s a flawless strategy)))

