SEO Tips for Blogger Blogs

SEO Tips for Blogger Blogs: How to Make Your Blog More Searchable

Blogger a.k.a. Blogspot is a great publishing platform for new bloggers. Owned by Google, Blogger blogs are easy to set up and very user friendly. The downside is that it can be more difficult to manage SEO settings. In this post, we’re discussing SEO tips for Blogger blogs and how to make your blog more searchable in Google.

SEO Tips Make Blog Searchable

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for any business or individual looking to make an impact. This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. By optimizing your website and content for search engines, you can increase your visibility online, drive traffic to your site, and ultimately boost your success. However, with so many different strategies and techniques involved in SEO, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. This is where Digiguidance, a leading SEO service provider, comes in to help. With their expert guidance and support, businesses and individuals can navigate the world of SEO and achieve their online goals.

Unlike in WordPress, where users can download plugins to manage their SEO settings (like Yoast), getting your Blogger blog to rank in Google can be a bit more of a challenge. We all know how important SEO is, when it comes to blogging and driving traffic to our respective sites. Therefore, if you’re committed to creating a successful blog with Blogger, check out these basic SEO tips for Blogger blogs below.

Do you have a blog? Don't know where to begin with SEO?

Check out IFB's “SEO Essentials 10 Day Course for Bloggers”. We demystify SEO, give you all the tips and tricks, and make it easy for bloggers of all levels to understand.

SEO Tips for Blogger Blogs

Descriptive Titles

It sounds like an easy step, but it’s often overlooked by bloggers of all kinds (regardless of publishing platform of choice). This step is essential for seo marketing. Make your titles really descriptive and they’ll be more likely to be indexed by Google (and other search engines).

For example “Dramatically Tailored Vest: Best Clothing Item of Fall 2017” can be considered a strong, descriptive title; whereas, “Great Vest” is very broad and generic. “Great Vest” isn’t nearly as specific as “Dramatically Tailored Vest: Best Clothing Item of Fall 2017”. When it doubt try to be as precise as possible when titling your posts.

Make your titles specific and descriptive, and you will have a higher chance of your Blogger blog ranking in Google.

Descriptive Links

The purpose of descriptive links is to provide readers with the proper context of where clicking the link will take them.

Readers will often navigate the web by going from link to link, so it’s important that you provide them with proper link text so they know what to expect from click on the link. Avoid using phrases such as “Click Here” or “More”. Blogger’s built-in screen reading software should make it evident to your readers, so you don’t need to specify to your readers where links are, within your posts.

Essentially, it’s better to link to an entire phrase or sentence, than “Click Here” or “More”.

Headings Within Your Posts

Any text within an HTML tag is treated with higher priority in a search engine (this also goes for bold text, numbered and un-numbered lists, etc.). Therefore, you should be using headings and subheadings within your posts whenever you have the opportunity.

Another added bonus: headings and subheadings also make it easier for your readers to skim through your content. If your posts are easier to read, readers will keep coming back to your site and your readership retention will increase.

Here is a brief HTML description of how to use a heading in Blogger…

  1. Write your informative and interesting post.
  2. Click on the Edit Html tab at the top of the post.
  3. Find the text you want to format as a heading.
  4. At the start of the text type <h1> and at the end type </h1>. All HTML tags use the left and right angle brackets and the closing tag always uses the / symbol (that way you know it is the closing pair of the tab.
  5. Switch back to the Compose tab and check the result. If the text is too big, switch back and try using the <h2> </h2> tags, or even h3 or less until you get a look that works for you.
  6. Save or publish your post!

Alt Tags For Images

As a bloggers, you should be including images in your posts, in order to draw your readers in and get people to read your text (and if you aren’t including images, you should start incorporating them asap). You also need to be giving your images good alt attributes, as “…alt tags and title tags strengthen the message towards search engine spiders and improve the accessibility of your website”.

What exactly does an alt tag on an image do for you and your Blogger blog? It will make your pictures more likely to be indexed by a search engine.

Here is how to do it specifically in Blogger…

  1. Write another informative and interesting post.
  2. Upload your photos into your post and position them to your liking.
  3. Click on the Edit Html tab at the top of new post.
  4. Look for the images in the text, they start with the code <img…
  5. Scroll along each <img> tag looking for the text alt=”” (use the search function in your browser if this makes it easier.
  6. Add your descriptive text within the quotes, including your site name. I might have something like alt=”Fabulous fashion @ Individual Chic”.
  7. Save or publish your post.

Making The Most of Meta Tags

What exactly are Meta tags?

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page's content in various search engines. They don't appear on the posts themselves, only within the pages’ code. Meta tags are more or less the same thing as a tag; they’re like little content descriptors, that help to tell search engines what a web page or blog is about.

Essentially, Meta tags are a way to add keywords and descriptions to your blog.

Here is how to add a meta tag to Blogger blog…

  1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Theme tab and then Edit HTML.
  3. Click on the link that says Download Full Template. Save the template somewhere on your hard drive with a nice descriptive name. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. If you screw things up, you want to be able to go back to a working copy.
  4. Look for the <head> tag. It should be right at the top of the Edit Template window. Put a couple of blank lines below it
  5. Type in the tag below, substituting your name
    <meta content='[INSERT NAME HERE]' name='author'/>
  6. Add another line and type in
    <meta content='[INSERT BLOG DESCRIPTION HERE]' name='description'/>
  7. Add a last line and type in
    <meta content='[INSERT ALL DESCRIPTION KEYWORDS HERE (SEPARATED BY COMMAS)]' name='keywords'/>
  8. Click the Save Template button
  9. Load up your page and check it all works.

Looking for More SEO Tips? Check out “5 Ways to Drive Blog Traffic by Using SEO” here on the IFB Blog.

And if you're looking for marketing tips for your blog, check out “Effective Marketing Tactics That Can Boost Your Blog”.

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About The Author

Laura Andrea Kell is a Canadian freelance writer and IFB's Editorial Assistant, and is based in Dubai, UAE. She also writes for itpliveme.com and occasionally blogs at lauraindubai.com Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @lauraandreakell

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115 Responses

  1. Fasshonaburu

    Yes, once I started using alt tags in my pics I started getting SO much more traffic! I work in SEO and another good tip is linking back to your old posts!

  2. Sydney

    I tried the meta tags, but it keeps say that my tags aren’t closed. is there a way you could post an example of what it’s supposed to look like. like an example of one that;s already been done?

    Sydney’s last blog post..Internship

  3. lisa

    Great tips! I should step up the HTML tagging and not be so lazy about it.

    lisa’s last blog post..Ooh La La RUCHE

  4. Sydney

    never mind i figured it out.

    Sydney’s last blog post..Internship

  5. Kate

    Keywords in your images are key. Most of my traffic comes from my images because of using key words. I also use the All in One SEO Pack plugin for WordPress. It allows you to use what ever title you want on your blog, but then make a more SEO friendly title for search engines, plus highlight keywords as well, pretty awesome. I’ve heard from multiple people that meta tags are a thing of the past, but then again I’m not an expert 🙂

    Kate’s last blog post..Huge Karma Loop Sale

  6. KB

    Meta tags sound great. I always wonder how people keep finding my images though, certain ones pop up more than others in my stats. Informative post.

    KB’s last blog post..Time on my hands…

  7. Yvonne

    Hi, thanks so much for posting this. I didn’t know about the alt tag thing. I’ve always noticed that alt=”” part and wondered what it was for though!

    could you explain more about the descriptive links? I’ve seen that blank space for it under the title, but don’t know how to use it.

    Also, is it possible to log into the new IFB yet?

    Yvonne’s last blog post..The Apartment

  8. Icy

    Fasshonaburu – great tip, thanks for that.
    Maria – you’re welcome ^_^
    Sydney – glad you worked it out
    Lisa – I do think it’s worth the extra effort, I just have to remember to do it myself ^_^
    Kate – ooh, great tip for WordPress users!
    KB – you’re welcome also.

  9. thefatandskinny

    thanks for the advice. i was waiting for someone to do a post on blogger blogs.

    thefatandskinny’s last blog post..Glass House

  10. Gabrielle

    Another way to boost targeted searchability is to have a keyword in the first sentence of your blog post.

    Google also picks up on words that are bolded or in italics.

    And Kate is right, the All In One SEO Pack for wordpress is awesome.

    Another good plugin for wordpress is Google XML Sitemaps which automatically builds you a sitemap that’s compatible with major search engines like Google or Yahoo.

    As for descriptive links, you can have wordpress set so that it automatically will use your post title as the link instead of random numbers or dates.

    If you have the money for it you can use a service like SubmitYourArticle.com which would essentially send your original content (has to be good content) to thousands of publishers. It’s a win-win situation, the publishers get good content and you get links back. My company is testing out how well this actually works and if it’s worth paying the monthly fee.

    Thanks for the post! Will definitely start using alt tags for my pictures. 🙂

    Gabrielle’s last blog post..Cats Are The New Black

  11. Leigh

    Thanks so much for these great tips! I never thought about alt tags for photos making a difference like that, but it totally makes sense. I know meta tags work, too, but I didn’t think you could use them on Blogger. Thanks again!

  12. sar.

    this is a great post – i think I’ll get that wordpress plug-in gabrielle mentions..I guess it’s worth the little extra effort when writing a post .. Thanks Icy! Oh and has someone a good traffic report suggestion, I use the one provided byt the host service but it’s not very detailed.. Thak you 🙂

  13. Anna

    I second All in One SEO and Google XML Sitemap plugins for WordPress. Regarding meta-tags: Google is finicky about duplicate meta-tags. To them, it makes it hard to distinguish between what may or may not be duplicate content. Ideally, you want different meta title, description and keywords for EACH of your posts (particularly title and description tags, as Google no longer uses keyword tags…although other search engines do). It sounds like a lot of work, but if you get something like All in One SEO (for WordPress only), you can easily edit meta-tags within each post. Also, If you sign up for a Google Webmaster account, Google will warn you what pages have duplicate meta-tags.

    Note: while Google doesnt seem to penalize you for duplicate meta-tags (it’s more of a warning/nudge), any bit helps in terms of SEO.

    Anna’s last blog post..Hottest Summer Sandals for 2009: Gladiators Flats & High Heel Shoes

  14. Icy

    Gabrielle – great tips, thanks!
    Najeema – you’re welcome
    Leigh – you’re also welcome
    Sar. – you’re also welcome too. I use Google Analytics and find it very effective.
    Anna – good ad vice about the meta tags, but when I check out my blog in Google Webmaster it doesn’t report the problem you described, so I assume Blogger takes care of it.

    Thanks for all the great comments!

  15. michelle

    Heeeeelp I cant figure out why my meta tag is not working?? I keep getting what Sydney was gettin, except I can’t figure mine out please help??? This is what I put in my htm mods.

    I can’t seem to figure out where I went wrong :< Thanks Michelle

  16. Icy

    Hey Michelle, the html doesn’t seem to come through, but for the closing to the meta tag make sure there is a space between the closing quote and the final slash. The other thing you can try is to look at the source of a blogger page and just cut and paste the tag from there. Right click on a page (like my one) and then choose “veiw source” from the menu. The meta tag should be at the top of the page.

    Let me know how it goes.


    .-= Icy´s last blog ..An Individual Chic – Emma Herring (Mrs Bruce Willis) =-.

  17. Miss Wan

    I immediately did the photo tagging! Will up the courage for the meta tags 2mro 🙂

  18. Icy

    Recessionista, you’re welcome ^_^
    Miss Wan, go for it!
    .-= Icy´s last blog ..In other news… =-.

  19. Butterfly

    Aha…found an answer to one of my questions about tagging images and now I know how to do it…wonderful!
    .-= Butterfly´s last blog ..Glastonbury Fashion =-.

  20. Icy

    Hey Butterfly, glad I could help.
    .-= Icy´s last blog ..An individual dude – Michael Jackson =-.

  21. FC

    Wow.. Is it magic or is because im slow in technology…
    Within minutes my traffic raised !!!
    Thank you for the post.. Love it

    .-= FC´s last blog ..My Car !!!! =-.

  22. Icy

    Hey FC, I’m impressed it worked so fast! Gald I could help.
    .-= Icy´s last blog ..Today I’m wearing… =-.

    • Tech Me

      Nice Thank You For Sharing Can You Tell Me How To Use Adsense or other Ads In Blog??

  23. Danielle - The Culturistas

    Thanks so much for the tips Icy!! So helpful- I just set up the meta-tags and it wasnt as intimidating as I thought! Also I was having the same problem as Michelle at first. My issue was that I used ‘ instead of ” Hope that helps!

  24. Mademoiselle Le K

    Can I use those tips for my WordPress.com blog?
    .-= Mademoiselle Le K´s last blog ..Ann Demeulemesteer: Men Collection Spring-Summer 2010 =-.

  25. Elle

    Great tips, thanks Icy 🙂
    I immediately tried the meta tags and photo tags, so easy to do.
    When I first heard of SEO, my non-technical side goes into panic mode! But with a lot of tips out there, including this, it helps us (not-so-much-techi-people) understand and make use of it to help us promote our blog.
    .-= Elle´s last blog ..9 Reasons why we need to over dress =-.

  26. Tarun Sardana

    Hey Icy,
    Thanks for the tips. Sydney and michelle didn’t bother to revert with their findings. The tag not closed error is coming coz of the single quotes used by you in the example. It should be double quotes not single. i.e.
    instead of , it should be . Please make the necessary changes above to avoid any inconvenience to the other readers.
    The tips are really helpful. Thanks again.
    .-= Tarun Sardana´s last blog ..Realization =-.

  27. Brandy Bell

    I started blogging less than a year ago and I feel like there is so much to learn and do, it could definitely be a full time job. Thanks for the great tips!

  28. Franca

    Hi, thanks for this! I was having the same problem as sydney and michelle, but after copying the code from your page it worked. Slightly weird since it was exactly the same as what it said before, but it works, so I’m not complaining!

  29. brent

    great article! Seems more complicated than it actually is. The code works perfectly. I wish we never had to deal with code ever!

  30. katy

    Uh oh… I did everything as written above and when I finished, I went to my blog to double-check that everything went well.

    I right-clicked my blog page, hit “View Source” and my html had this imbedded in it:

    “Notify Blogger about Objectionable Content on this page” – what? they flagged my blog?!?!

    How do I fix? Do I just have too many keywords?

  31. Icy @ Individual Chic

    Danielle – thanks for the tip!
    Mademoiselle Le K – Err, I think so, but I don’t how you would get to the place to enter the information
    Elle – glad I could help
    Tarun – thanks for the clarification
    Sonia – it takes a few days, or even weeks, for your blog to be searched by Google. Try now, and if it still doesn’t work, look for something called “Google Webmaster Tools” and investigate that.
    Kiki Hiller – You’re welcome.
    Brandy Bell – I’d love to make blogging a full time job too, but there are too many other things I “have” to do first (like working ^_^)
    Franca – Glad it worked for you.
    Brent – They hide a lot of code, which is good, but to make it really individual you have to get in there and mess around.
    TheShoeGirl – You’re also welcome.
    Katy – No need to worry. The “Notify Blogger about Objectionable Content on this page” actually comes from the “source” of the Blogger tool bar across the top of the page. If you look at the source of any other Blogger page with the tool bar you’ll see the same thing. It’s not anything in your code or your page.

    Sorry everyone it’s taken so long to get back to you all, and I’m so pleased you’ve been finding these instructions helpful.


    .-= Icy @ Individual Chic´s last blog ..Vintage Icy – Details are everything =-.

  32. HEK

    Wow, this was very informative. I’m pretty much clueless on these things, but now Im inspired to get more into it! Thanks:)
    .-= HEK´s last blog ..From Russia with love =-.

  33. HEK

    I was wondering about something:
    I use photobucket for my images, and in the html text there is no such thing as alt=””..
    Can I just add it myself? And in that case where?

    .-= HEK´s last blog ..My style: Darker for colder =-.

  34. Michael

    Thanks for the helpul tips. I just started my blogger site. Michael of Apartment Guide Marketing.

  35. Chinthu

    Hey thanks for the tips. I was not using the tags for pictures in my blog.
    I will try it now.
    Thanks once more.
    .-= Chinthu´s last blog ..Pune Spider : Information portal for Pune city. =-.

  36. vinda

    hey great post! this is so inspiring. want to try the meta content but i’m too afraid of template failure eventhough that seems like the coolest idea here.
    thank you anyway 🙂

  37. kenny

    Please help
    I keep getting this error
    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.

  38. Vegetarian Traveller

    Thanks. I have added the header, added metatags and added tags to my images. My blog is a week old and am still not linked on any of the search indexes. I did submit my URL to google, but find it impossible to get submission through on yahoo. Did anyone else experience issue?
    Typically how long has it taken for your blog to become searchable. I use blogger.
    .-= Vegetarian Traveller´s last blog ..Breakfast at the French Quarter: Brennan’s =-.

  39. Graham Thomas

    Thank you so much for these helpful posts. I never thought I could make my own blog not being computer savvy, but you’ve broken down the complex mysteries of a successful blog into plain simple english!

    Again I thank you.
    .-= Graham Thomas´s last blog ..Women’s Wear Silhouettes =-.

  40. Jill

    hmmmmmm…..this message keep coming out!! how come??? where did I go wrong???

    I did this:

    how come??please help!!

  41. Icy @ Individual Chic

    HEK – you can use photo bucket or any other image store. You just add the alt=”..” tag within the ‘style’ section of the html. Try just after the height or width tag.
    Charles – *blush*
    Nina, Michael, Chinthu, Vinda – you’re welcome ^_^

    Kenny – the html doesn’t seem to come through, but for the closing to the meta tag make sure there is a space between the closing quote and the final slash. The other thing you can try is to look at the source of a blogger page and just cut and paste the tag from there. Right click on a page (like my one) and then choose “veiw source” from the menu. The meta tag should be at the top of the page. Also try swapping single quotes ‘ for double quotes “. It might depend on if you are using CSS or standard HTML tagging.

    Vegetarian Traveller – I’d hope your blog would be indexed by now (you should wait at least two weeks) but if not search for “Google Webmaster Tools” and sign up with those to see if you can diagnose the problem.
    Graham, BV – You’re also welcome ^_^
    Jill – I’m not sure what the message is, but read what I’ve said to Kenny.
    .-= Icy @ Individual Chic´s last blog ..Ambra’s new Killer Figure =-.

  42. jake

    I do not really get what you mean. Is it possible to increase traffic to my blog by going to picassa and tagging all the pictures i have uploaded? because i cant change the html coding of the uploaded pics frm my blogger.

  43. tara

    Great post. thanks ! I will try all of the above

    I am just getting use to everything and trying to expand my following …so this helps
    thanks again
    .-= tara´s last blog ..John Issac & Friends :Provactive Art =-.

  44. Shelayna

    Thank you for this information. As a technophobic blogger, I am excited to try some of these techniques! You Rock!
    .-= Shelayna´s last blog ..The Pacific! =-.

  45. Vegetarian Traveller

    Thanks! Great tips.
    .-= Vegetarian Traveller´s last blog ..Laspada’s Original Hoagies – Davie, FL =-.

  46. tara

    Hello, about the meta tag- I followed your steps and I cant seem to get it to work :/ …..It comes back at me with an error, saying something is’nt closed like the (tag) but the code is copy and pasted from your instructions,…so Im not sure how to go about this to change it ? Thanks-good post btw 🙂

    And I have a blogger blog 🙂

  47. StyleNuggets

    I’m posting this again as it came back with an error.
    I’ve used the tips you mentioned above and hoping they will work for my blog.

  48. vicki

    Definately gonna try out using meta tags!! 🙂
    thank you for your simple instructions for non techies like me! x

  49. hadashi

    thanks for the great tips and for making it easy.
    i ran into the same trouble as “Kenny,” and swapping the single quotes for double quotes did the trick.
    much appreciated!

  50. StyleNuggets

    Thought I’d leave an update to say…..it works. I took the time to re-do my blogs as per the tips above and my traffic increased. Thanks IFB and Icy.
    Don’t know what I’d have done without this post. A lot of tips on other sites are too detailed or too hard to understand.

  51. missjahz

    When I added meta tags, this always appears:

    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
    XML error message: Open quote is expected for attribute “{1}” associated with an element type “content”.

    I really do not know why. I’m sure I followed the instructions correctly.

    • Tara

      Hey Im having the same problems… Let me know if you figure anything out and I will do the same! seems like no one wants to add any additional help here 🙁
      .-= Tara ´s last blog ..DIY: Studded Bustier (part uno) =-.

  52. JESSU

    Instead of going back to the html (a pain, I’ve tried it when I wanted to fix other problems) of a post to add alt tags to your images I would recommend just typing out the html for the images. I type out links so that I can add a target=”_blank” function to it so I think if you want to add alt it would be easier to do it from the beginning. Just make sure you dont’ save the draft first because the html will be converted instantly!

    I’m not sure though, for the images it’s recommended that we just add our blog name? Or what does this mean? How does that help us?

  53. Julia

    Hello 🙂 I followed your instructions regarding meta tags, but it came up with all sorts of error messages. I’ll ask my boyfriend the computer-wizard to fix it later!
    .-= Julia´s last blog ..College =-.

  54. Freya Harris

    I use both Picassa and Flickr for sharing photos over the internet but i use Flickr more often than Picassa.-,.

  55. Game reviews

    Really nice info given………
    can someone tell me kindly how I can add rss feed to my blog.


    .-= Game reviews´s last blog ..Prince of Persia The Sands Of Time(*******—/10) =-.

  56. T-rex


    Im trying to add meta tags to my blog but I am getting the following error:

    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
    XML error message: Open quote is expected for attribute “{1}” associated with an element type “content”.

    My meta tags are designed as follows:

    Can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong?

    Thankx for your help!!!

  57. T-rex


    Im trying to add meta tags to my blog but I am getting the following error:

    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
    XML error message: Open quote is expected for attribute “{1}” associated with an element type “content”.

    My meta tags are designed as follows:

    meta content=’T-Rex’ name=’author’/

    meta content=’Lyrics from “Empire State of Mind” from Jay-Z’s 11th studio album The Blueprint 3 (2009).’ name=’description’/

    meta content=’JayZ, Illuminati’ name=’keywords’/

    Ofcourse I will add a “” at the end of each tag marked by a “/”.

    Can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong?

    Thankx for your help!!!

  58. sham

    hi, for those who have the meta content, replace the ’ in code with ‘. Its because xml coding doesn’t recognize ’. I tried it in my blog and its working fine.

  59. Tricia

    Thanks so much for this info! I just added meta tags. I got an error message at first, but I realized that I had included an apostrophe (‘) in one of my tags and it was messing up the code.

  60. vanessa

    I am having isssues with the meta tags showing up on my blog, and I’m just getting error messages.

  61. Amazing

    This is realy nice artical. I learn lot of things for blogging. Thank you very much!!!

    Keep it up.

  62. Saudi

    I use this tip for my blog , It’s getting more traffic now thankx web master.

  63. ClinicalEyes

    is XHTML code is necessory for the blog to be more searchable
    or html is enough?

  64. aiz

    Hello! this is a great post. can you please help me. I’m trying to do the meta tag, but this error always appear when I save the template

    Open quote is expected for attribute “{1}” associated with an element type “name”.

  65. Lucy

    All those having problems with xml, just change all the apostrophes: ‘
    with double quote marks: ”

    in the bits your copying. It will work!


  66. Zara

    I can’t see anything that says ‘ on the template designer so am still not able to add any tags to make my blog more searchable!

    are you able to help?

    thank you!

  67. Makenna

    a bit confusing. what exactly do these different features DO? like what are the advantages? i just would like more traffic on my blog. well, that’s okay. i figured it out 🙂

  68. WilmottsWonders

    Thanks so much for this – it’s exactly what I was looking for to explain this stuff! One thing to note is that the =alt”” format has changed on blogger. I searched the html and couldn’t find it but when I clicked on the pictures when in compose on my blogger and went to properties you could fill in the alt text there.
    Thanks again 🙂

  69. Shilpa Gandotra

    Nice and quick list of how-tos for blogger. I have been doing all this but haven’t noticed any difference. Somehow I feel in my own searches blogs on wordpress come up more often than blogspot blogs. I also notice search results showing something like

    Tags: review, beauty

    for blogs on wordpress but not for blogspot.
    Any idea?

  70. Sana

    Thank you so much for this article, Icy. I was searching for the same thing and I am glad that you have a wonderful post on it. I have already tried a few things from the list and I am waiting to see the results 🙂

  71. Justin K.

    Looks like you’ve covered the basic of onsite optimization. Good job! I would suggest one more tip and that is to aim for long content, 1000 words+ if possible.

  72. Assisted Living Facility

    Very informative article, keep sharing good things.
    Thanks for this article.

  73. Bharat

    Thanks for the wonderful tips. your post is excellent and so informative. its really helpful for a beginner blogger like me. keep up the good work.

  74. Manisha

    Though you blog post is very old for Blogspot blogs in respect to SEO but some of the points are still relevant. I use many of these SEO points for blog for Latest Government Jobs in India which I am running since 2006. I think Blogspot blogs are leg behind in SEO in comparison to other blog platforms. My blog is at https://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com

  75. Afrasiab

    Hi Laura, Thanks for providing such a nice post with great SEO tips. Well doing SEO for blogger blog is a bit difficult the wordpress but the tips you provided are very vital for new bloggers who want to rank their blogger blog higher in search results. Thanks!

  76. Nitin Garg

    Thank you for the SEO tips, It will help me a lot. Can you give me some tips on off page seo ? Hope you will keep on posting to update us.

  77. Stalin

    Great post!! You are absolutely bang on.

    Everything you have mentioned in this post is incredibly helpful for bloggers. This tips will useful for bloggers to increase a number of followers and increase traffic on your blog.

    Thanks for sharing.

  78. James

    Laura, thanks for sharing those tips for blogging! I find it very helpful. I also want to pay attention to alt tags, because long time ago I haven’t even know about it and my blog wasn’t on top for some time. After I started searching I found information about alt tags and how they are important. I wrote a laconic blog how to use alt tags – sitechecker.pro/alt-tags/ I hope you fing it useful for your blog or even a web site.

  79. komal

    This is something great and full of information. I love blogger and I am happy to choose my platform with the help of this. Blogging is a type of mind mapping game in which you have to use ur mind to create some unique ideas every time. Thanks, a lot mate for the post. keep posting !!

  80. George Lim

    Great post Laura, This is something that every blogger should know. You are doing good job . Keep this up.

  81. Alex

    It is a major point you mentioned above that headings and subheadings must be easier for readers to skim through your content. I hope your all steps are very helpful for all. Keep it up!!!

  82. Okere chinedu victor

    Pls someone should tell this guy that his a life saver.????

  83. Anjali

    I really enjoyed from reading the article above, You have explained everything in detail about SEO tips. Surely I will use this tips to build a SEO strategy for my business growth

  84. Thomes

    Nice Post !! But do you have any idea how to link our website along with keywords for getting quality backlink ? and what type of keywords we should use for anchor tag: exact match or something else ?

    Thanks !!

  85. Amit

    Thanks for sharing, I totally agree with you. Initially I never focused on ALT tags at all. But when I started using our ranks started coming up.

  86. Ahaduzzaman

    Hi Laura,
    Thanks you so much for these great tips!
    I was not informed that alt tags for photos making a difference. However, I know meta tags work too. I plan to follow your tips for longer period.
    Thanks again!

  87. Akki Rockk

    Dear Laura
    Meta tag should be separate for each blog post and define in between head tag or it can be defined only one time for complete description of Blog in the head tag ?

  88. Blue Dragoness Blog

    Thanks for your tips!

    These two tips below worked on my blog.

    As for the keywords, it didn’t work. 🙁 I can’t figure it out on how I can include keywords on my blog.

    Sought-after post of Blue Dragoness Blog: Never Too Old For A New Dream

  89. Ethan Poltrack

    I started a site back in 2012 and just found it again. It was my  My Personal Development Plan and what I did when I was first getting started online.
