The Reality of Blogging While Working a Full Time Job

Flat top view of working table

As I write this, I'm actually behind on my deadline– posts I write for IFB go live on Mondays and Fridays and it's Monday morning.  Yesterday I had to send Jennine an email that said, “I'm sorry, I'm behind.”  I'm behind because I opened a new show this weekend, hosted an opening night party, and while I have a hefty draft of this post already completed, it wasn't finished & ready for publication.

It's all too appropriately timed, as in my last post, Busting through Blogger Plateaus, both Vahni and Sandra D both commented about working full time and how much harder it makes to break down those plateaus when 40+ hours of your week are taken up by that pesky job.  Vahni said, Also, lately I’m just damn tired of sitting in front of my computer 90 hours a day.

In the 4 years I've run Dramatis Personae, I've worked a full-time job.  I write 2 posts per week for IFB.  I have a live in partner.  I have 2 cats, who are like my children.  And I feel stretched thin more than ever.  When I think of the tasks and challenges I want–and need to do– in order to grow my blog, I ask myself, “When will I have time on top of everything else I have to do?

I don't believe that a blogger can grow their site to infinity when they have a full-time job (or are committed to school full-time–or both). From the many bloggers I've talked to, I'm not alone in thinking that.  In a conversation with some fabulous gals on Twitter, TokyoFound said it best: People I know who have a super blog or run a business blogging or writing have made it their full time job and those who didn't have burned out & quit after 2-3yrs.

So to start with, here are the words of some wonderful women, who have been blogging full-time and holding full-time jobs for a very long time.

Sandra D, Debutante Clothing

I work full-time at a school. I am no longer a classroom teacher, but I do work with kids. One good thing about working school hours is that I can leave work most of the time at 3:30pm which leaves me lots of time to do my side hustle – blogging about and selling vintage fashion. But the amount of mental energy my job requires is still pretty high. Trying to balance my blog and my full-time job has been more of a challenge recently. At first, I'd get all my writing done over the weekend and early mornings. I started realizing that the amount of work I was spending on my blog and site were really taking time away from my husband and family, so I have had to get really strategic about my schedule.

I had a very powerful consultation with a prominent lifestyle blogger who has created a whole brand around her blog and design work. She flat out told me that if you only put part time effort into your business, it will take much longer to get it going. She was so direct and right on. I appreciated that.

I'm to the point now where if I can blog 3 times per week, I don't beat myself up. I have to remember that blogging is not my full-time business, it's just one part of the breadth of work I do, but it leads to other fun partnerships that can lead to income. It's very easy to get caught up in stats, comments, visibility and feel bad about how little time you are putting in compared to other bloggers. I also have to keep in mind that vintage is a very specialized niche and won't necessarily follow the same dynamics as a modern fashion blogger.

However, if I could start all over again, I would have approached my business and the business of blogging in a much more strategic way – business plan, branding, marketing plan, etc.

Sally, Already Pretty

I post twice daily to Already Pretty, sometimes more if I've got a giveaway going on, and I also work a full-time day job. That means I blog, answer reader mail, read and comment on other blogs in virtually every spare moment – breaks, over my lunch hour, and for hours after work. And yes, I do sometimes sneak in a few quick comments while I'm on the clock. (You do, too, so don't judge!) I do my best to keep my weekends work-free, but usually end up writing for at least three or four hours each weekend, sometimes more. I'm in a pretty much constant state of writing, brainstorming, reacting, outlining, negotiating, and planning.

All of this means that I'm exhausted. ALWAYS exhausted. Many people have asked, “How do you do it all?” and the answer is that I just never stop working. Writing posts ahead of time helps keep me from being in a blind panic, as does soliciting the occasional guest post and planning out my editorial calendar. Yet I know that if I had more time to dedicate to the blog it would be better written, more in-depth, more valuable and insightful. I often wish that there were more hours in the day, that I could read and process blogs quicker, that my posts would mate and procreate on their own.

And yet my day job is for paying the bills while the blog is my true passion. My goal has always been to make blogging, freelancing, and consulting my career, and working on Already Pretty furthers that goal. So the time, energy, and effort put into maintaining and improving the blog is always, always worth it to me.

Kristina, Pretty Shiny Sparkly

Working full time and blogging is a two-sided coin. On the one hand, sometimes you can barely remember to comb your teeth or brush your hair (or is it the other way around? I forget) let alone come up with a visually stunning, compelling blog post. Other times, you feel like life is all work-work-work, and you need that something to pull you out of your daily drudgery. An excuse to get dressed, feel great, and act out that excuse in the first place (like even a little dinner date), can sometimes be just the thing you needed!

Frustrations associated with working full time and maintaining a professional fashion blog are mainly internally directed, for me. I'm frustrated that I can't always post every single day of the work week. But it pretty much ends there. I don't experience frustrated readers, really, they all understand that my professional life is pretty demanding, and really they're quite sweet about it.

A real challenge to working full time and blogging, especially for me since my two fields are polar opposites (medicine and fashion), is what to do when they overlap. Yes, sometimes I show up to the hospital Monday morning ready to scrub in on a surgery with electric blue nail polish I forgot to take off Sunday night. Yes, I don't shout that I'm a fashion blogger from the rooftops of my medical school building, because, well…it's intensely private, fashion is. And people who just don't “get it” tend to think that taking pictures of oneself is superficial, a time-waster, self-absorbed…you name it. Of course, I've never been told these things to my face, but I can imagine what it must look like from an outsider's perspective. Or maybe I'm just overreacting? I don't know, you guys tell me!

All in all though the real joys come when I get validation from the “real people” in my life–my classmates, colleagues, and mentors. When they reference a recent outfit post, or show off the site to their friends, I'm immensely touched. I feel like I'm not doing such a silly thing after all, and isn't that what we all want as bloggers, in the end? Just a little validation?


Do you blog and work full-time? How do you feel about the process?  Has blogging & working full-time ever made you want to give up?



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About The Author

Ana is a Travel Blogger and Blogging Coach at The City Sidewalks. With her expertise in online marketing, she's able to help other bloggers, creatives, and entrepreneurs grow their businesses so that they can achieve financial freedom to travel the world on their own terms.

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76 Responses

  1. meagan

    I work full-time, 40+ hours each week, for the third-largest affordable housing agency in the country. helping to provide housing to low-income families is immensely gratifying for me and gives me a reason to smile when I wake up each morning. however, it doesn’t leave me with much mental energy to spare for my blog…and to be honest, my job helps me not to stress about it. everyday i work with needy families, and it helps me remember what is really important in life. fashion blogging is a wonderful hobby for me, but not posting every day isn’t the end of the world for me when I feel so fulfilled with my day job.

  2. MJ

    This was an awesome post! It’s so refreshing to see that you aren’t the only one who goes through this!

    I work full time and work on my blog (as well as other blogs and a book) and it can indeed be very frustrating that I can’t devote as much time as I want to my side endeavors. It took a severe case of burn out for me to realize that I can’t post every single day and that’s okay! I would rather pump out quality posts three times a week than garbage everyday!

    Now I realize that my writing is my ticket to the career that I want and I try to remember that on those days that I’m literally home all day working on posts, waking up extra early before work to get outfit shots, and spending every free moment social networking. It helps me get over my frustrations quickly so I can get back to business!


    Ashe, thanks for the shout!

    The fact that you reached out for a snippet via email…and I didn’t get to respond in time and offer my two cents…well, that’s proof that I’m struggling with the FT job/blog balance!

    This is a great post that I’m sure will resonate with many. I have to admit that in the past, when I had more time on my hands, I was more concerned with post frequency and getting out to others’ blogs at least weekly. With a full-time job and a husband I adore, the fact of the matter is blogging HAS to play third fiddle. While my husband is very supportive of my blog, it’s MY blog and not his, so there are a lot of times when I have a great outfit on, and no one to photograph me, and I get tired of photographing myself. Also, I find that taking snaps and Instagrams as I go along, regularly, is not only rude if I’m with others, I miss out on being IN the moment while I’m trying to capture it.

    I love blogging, but I’ve become a bit reticent lately…it’s a lot to keep up with, and the end of the day, the people in my everyday life are the ones who matter the most. So I’m still trying to find balance, and that includes a conscious decision to focus on my life and not just my blog. If I don’t have 10,000 followers and 70,000 views a month, that’s OK. I’m still are seriously blessed, very happy person. And I’d rather be out by the pool with my Hubby during summer weekends than at home obsessing about the blog.


  4. crosby

    Hi Ashe,

    What a great idea for a post! I loved hearing about the inner turmoil others feel as they juggle blogging on top of full-time work. I’m especially impressed that Sally manages to post twice daily! Like Sandra, I have a good week if I can manage 3 posts, although it depends on what kind of news makes it into my inbox and how fast I can turn around the research, images, follow up, etc.

    I think for me one key has been to realize that while a lot of the pressure around content is justified, (traffic slows with fewer posts, I might miss an important story, etc), a lot of it is pressure I put on myself. As much as I would like for it to be true, the world isn’t obsessively checking PR Couture for a new post, and really, if I go three days or a week between posts, it’s fine. I’m forgiven. It has more to do with the quality of the post than the frequency, and more to do with the investments I also make in building relationships and staying in touch with contacts and readers through social.

    I’m also lucky because as Director of Social Media, a lot of what I am paying attention to for work has relevancy to what I write about. However, I have been trying to expand the guest writers on the site, as well as get more clear about what kind of content I enjoy writing the most. After close to five years, it can be challenging to come up with article ideas and I have been known to make things overly complicated for myself by creating article series that are just a pain to execute, or trying to get additional information rather than a cut and paste job.

    I also wish that blogs didn’t have such a chronological focus – there are five years of interesting posts on my site – yet even if something is 3 months old, it gets promoted as “old but still good” and I think that can contribute to the frenzy we feel to always be doing more more more!


    • bonita

      ~ * ♥ * ~

      I so agree with your last statement Crosby! I find myself sometimes hesitating on writing a comment on an “old” post even though I have something to say, simply because it is “old”!

      I think there is a mind set that only the latest, newest, freshest stuff is any good, and I think that’s a detriment to blogging. There is a lot of thought, time & energy that’s been poured into the archives of many blogs and I think that we shouldn’t dismiss any of that. Let’s keep good posts in our conversations, no matter how old they are!


  5. Linda

    I blog and work full-time (during the school year). I’m a schoolteacher, and from August to June, my children are my primary focus. I never sit down during the day, and I don’t want to! Being a teacher is an amazing, engaging experience.

    During the schoolyear, my outfit photos are almost always taken in the evenings after dinner or on the weekends. I check e-mails, tweets, and comments in the evenings and sometimes I’m so behind what’s going on! Now that I’m on summer vacation, I feel like I have an idea of what blogging would be if it was my only job, and honestly, it’s nice. I’m able to devote more time to writing posts and designing graphics. Outfit photo sessions aren’t rushed, and e-mails and comments receive my prompt attention.

    But I wouldn’t trade my “real” job for anything. As much as I love fashion, it’s just a small facet of my life. I admire full-time bloggers, but I really look up to bloggers who work in a other fields and blog on the side. They inspire me everyday to keep doing what I’m doing.

    • Sunshine With Everything

      I’m the same. School teacher for most of the year but love being a ‘full time’ blogger in the holidays haha! 🙂

  6. lisa

    What a great post tackling a subject that many bloggers can relate to. I have to admit I’ve had my share of meltdown moments, and there have been many weekends when I tell the boy flatly, “I’m busy and I can’t spend time with you.” Bless him, he’s always so gracious about it. Yesterday when I was stressing out about freelance deadlines over brunch, he asked, “How can I best support you?” And he talked me down from the metaphorical ledge.

    • Ashe Mischief

      Aww! I love this, and I love this because I relate so much to having a partner who is supportive, understanding and helpful (most of the time) when it comes to blogging.

  7. cca

    This post is So timely for me. Thank You for sharing. It is good to know there are other people blogging with a full time job. I commit to post 4 times a week. That’s all I can handle. I agree, I find myself writing or researching something for my blog daily. I have not entered the world of facebook yet because i dont think i can handle that. My blog and twitter seem dueable for now. Yes, i want validation, thousands of daily pageviews and visitors but i hope it all comes when i can handle it! Just like everything in life you just do the best you can!

  8. Fajr | Stylish Thought

    Can I get an Amen for this post?!

    Right now as I type this comment I am taking time away from my FT gig. Lately I’ve been MIA from twitter and responding to comments due to my demanding work (both FT and freelance) so trust Over-Extension and I are constant bed-fellows, hell we’re practically married.

    Since I work in SEO it seems there is no transition between client work and my blog and I’ve kind of just adjusted to the fact that my life is going to be constant work for a while. Since I have no love life to speak of I don’t have that taking time away, but my social life has suffered as have my commitments to myself like sleep and exercise.

    At the end of the day though I am NOT COMPLAINING! I chose to have a blog and I chose to take it seriously and build a business (and career) from it. It is very tough but I think what all the ladies said is that blogging feeds our passion and the time and energy dedicated to it, the reward far exceeds.

    Great post Ashe my dear! 🙂

  9. Em

    Great article, the comments from other bloggers were really interesting. Right now I’m only working part-time for the summer, and I am going back to university full-time in September. It might be a challenge to balance school and blogging but I can’t wait to see how it works out!

  10. Cady

    Thank you! I’m a new blogger and I do it for a creative outlet. My work is so analytic that I just needed something fun on the side. Just today I was starting to wonder how I could possibly be a good (and very new) wife, make it through graduate school, have a full time job, abd continue blogging.

    Thank you for teaching me that I need to stick to my fun outlet but be honest with my expectations.

  11. fashionslop

    Wow. I’m amazed at how some of you do it with a full-time job and your blog upkeep is great!

    I’m a full-time student and hold a part-time job on weekends and I just couldn’t cope with the blog with the amount of school projects I had plus standing all day from my part-time job.

    But it’s the holidays now, so I’m trying to post as often as I can and figure out a posting schedule when school starts again next month.

    2-3 years you said? I hope I can last that long at the very least. Thanks for sharing their insights

  12. Colleen

    This is a great post, and it’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who experiences the stress of work and blogging. I work part-time and go to school full-time, and I think my blogging has really taken a hit because of this. I cannot post nearly as much as I would like to, nor can I read all the blogs that I want to. It’s been almost two years since I’ve started my blog and it hasn’t taken off very much because I really just don’t have the time. Which is why IFB should hire me as a part-time editorial writer…then I would have the time because it would be my job! Sorry, shameless self-promotion there 🙂 I really want it, can’t you tell?

  13. Neahle Ize` Jones

    This is email is very timely as I’m starting to re-think my presence in the blogosphere and have made a commitment to devote more time to the blog.

    I have a very demanding career in integrated marketing communications and currently work in an agency for an EXTREMELY demanding client. Highlight of my day job is I get to be immersed in all things new media and a small part of my job is fashion related. However my workload is never ending and I usually work way more than 40 hours a week. By the time I get home all I want to do is veg out in front of a TV and not even remember what a computer is. Because of that my blog suffers when I get busy and then flourishes when I can make time for it (typically mid-summer or during fashion week.) The fits and starts have stalled my blog’s growth and I fear there is no way for me to re-build that growth because it was left stagnant for too long. I’m all to familiar with the panic attacks described within the post and the comments above.

    Ultimately, my goal is to launch my own boutique agency offering consulting for brands and bloggers, content generation and social media management. The blog is supposed to be an incubator to bring that next step to life, but I’m far from that goal. I’m event tempted to scrap my current online persona and start all over again with a new blog, but I’m incredibly nervous about doing that since I’ve built a (very small) following under my current handle.

    I digress, either way the best way to make it work is to have a very detailed schedule for everything blog related (Probloggers example of a work schedule from their 31 Days to a Better Blog book is AMAZING.) This works for the day job as well. Hopefully it will work wonders!

  14. A Girl, A Style

    Absolutely loved reading this post! I have a fiercely demanding and mentally exhausting day job (working as a political advisor to a Cabinet Minister in Westminster), so sometimes when I come home it can be hard to muster the creative energy to produce a visually/verbally beautiful post, and I constantly feel in a cycle of guilt that I can’t tend to my beloved blog as much as I would like.

    But it was so reassuring to hear of other serious bloggers in this same position who are yet to surrender their day job!

    Thanks as always for the wonderful insight

    Briony xx

  15. tiffany

    great post! blogging while working full time IS exhausting… while working on my thesis now and grabbing anything architecture-wise i can get my hands on, i tend to fall behind a lot, and am always sleepy!

  16. kavery

    Thanks for putting things in perspective, Ashe. It’s good to know others are going through the same thing.

  17. Mary @ stylefyles

    Like everyone else, I have a busy schedule too!!!

    I’m at the office for ten hours a day, plus a 30 minute commute both ways. On top of that, I also play on multiple soccer teams and leagues (including a semi professional team, although that season only runs from May through August). All that soccer translates to practices and/or games 3 evenings a work per week and 2-4 games per weekend (depending on the time of year).

    It definitely doesn’t leave much time to blog, but since I blog about things I love (fashion, food and DIY), all I have to do is remember to snap photos during my “play” time and that’s half of my blog content. And if my cinematographer boyfriend is around, that’s an extra plus! He always takes the best pictures for me.

    Really, I’m not surprised to hear that others are going through the same type of thing. But it IS a nice outlet and support network to actually talk about it. Plus, I always love to hear what people do outside of their blog-time.

    Thanks for the article! And to all the full time career women who also blog…..keep on truckin!!!

  18. Natalie

    I really enjoyed the article. I work full time in an office so when i do finally return home, I’m usually so frazzled that I don’t want the outside world to be exposed to me! I guess striking the balance is a good thing. My blog is only new so the novelty is still there for me, but I imagine for the more experienced blogger it might start to feel like a chore. I’m sure we’ll all succeed though. Remember, suffer for your art!

  19. Daisy Dicchi

    i just started blogging and i have a full time job. And it’s right, it is so annoying when you want to create a succesfull blog but you are working almost all day…
    But it’s good to know that I am not the only one who has that kinda problem 🙂

  20. Sharde

    Up until this last month with my relocation to California, I have been working and going to school full time, AND blogging on top of that. Life has been utterly crazy- I didn’t even have time to dress cute because my job required me to get dirty a lot and I went to cosmetology school at an Aveda institute where you have to be in all black. While all of this was going on I had to look at my situation and think to myself, How bad do I really want this? All of this. Do I want a hair styling career? Yes, badly. Do I want my blog to succeed? Surely. Do I want my job? Not necessarily. I didn’t quit my job but now that I’ve moved to California I have had a two week gap with now job or real responsibilities. While my man is at work I get everything I can done for the blog. And I’ve had growth because of that. My point is that I take advantage of every second I can now, because who knows what will come in the future?

  21. Casie

    I swear, your blog posts are always somehow exactly what I need to hear, when I need to hear it. Ive been struggling with the balance needed to maintain a blog while still excelling in other areas of your life: marriage, work, social life.. plus attending all blogging events locally (there are tons in DC). There are new post(s) on my blog every day but its only because I blog with two of my cousins– Obviously it helps to split the workload (which IFB has written about). But I run another blog by myself, am taking up photography, am a newlywed, and trying to be good at a job I dont love.. all while hoping to have a successful blog. I mean its exhausting to just type it all! Im often times totally miffed that some bloggers can post new content every day by themselves and they still have lives and jobs outside of their blogs… its amazing actually. Thanks for bringing this up and letting us all know we’re not alone!!!

  22. dignityzine.com

    Working full-time as an editor (for an evil boss — think, “The Devil Wears Kmart”) and blogging actually inspired me to blog more.

    Work inspired me fashion-wise and the nuttiness of it all, inspired me editorially. And, I’ve got several scenes of my book going just from wacky deadline days at work. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

    I’d rather be blogging full-time, but without a trust fund, I’m a working class lug like 90% of the population.

    Having an editorial calendar is a great suggestion, as is remembering that you are human. Go outside, breathe fresh air, take a day off!

    For fresh commentary on body image and shaking off negative talk about those stubborn cankles, muffin tops, and jiggly bits, visit DignityZine.com.


    Hi girls!

    Great post, I love this community. It helps me a lot to develop as a blogger. About the subject, for me the things worked the other way. I quitted my last job to be a full time blogger. And I did for a whole year. But, I really felt the pressure of being a full time blogger, to be successful every single post. So I decided to get back to a formal work to feel pleasure again and blog for fun. No matter if it’s profitable or not. And it really worked! But sharing the feeling here, I work non-stop to fulfill my obligations and do all I love to do…

    kisses for all of you girls 🙂

  24. The Foolish Aesthete

    I was so glad to read this post. I used to think I had to post every day to get my blog going. But as Kristina of “Pretty Shiny Sparkly” mentioned, 3 posts week is alright!

    Also, I still try to separate blogging and “real” life (though I believe posts should always be truthful)! I still find it difficult to take pictures of myself especially because I am surrounded by incredibly smart people here who think fashion and blogging are superficial. I am so busy outside of blogging that now I am happy if I can post 2 to 3 times a week and still keep the quality I want.

    Still, I am so happy to be blogging. I have made incredible friends online who support every post I make. And IFB is a terrific resource!

  25. Heather Fonseca

    I freelance, sometimes full time sometimes part time, but it’s still work. (And thank God for that! I need the money.) I consider my blogs part of the PR that keeps the freelancing going, so I try to think of it as part of my work, but I only post 2 or 3 times a week, and when it gets really busy less than that. It’s a juggling act for sure.


    • Slow Southern Style

      I freelance as well, although I have a full time job on top of that. I have to say if it wasn’t for my blog I would have never had the opportunities I’ve been afforded with my freelance writing jobs so I think it is important to maintain my blog at a minimum of 2-3 posts per week.

  26. Lia

    It’s so refreshing to read about people with the same problem as myself. I only recently started blogging and already I’m feeling the guilt of not being able to post frequently. I have a one year old girl who has some health and development issues and between doctors appointments and my obligations as a mother not to mention as a journalist (part-time) I struggle to find time to blog. While writing is my passion, and I write everyday, I sometimes find it difficult to think of fun or interesting topics for my blog. Hopefully I’ll get the hang of it soon though! I’m also brand new to this site but I’m already loving the support and encouragement from the community on here! Much love,


  27. Erin

    Thankyou so much for this post. You’ve allowed me to realise that it’s ok that I don’t post every day. And that I should focus more on the quality, rather than the quantity. Thankyou thankyou thankyou!

  28. Vogue & Vintage

    SOOO TRUE! I am as we speak at work pulling a 10 hours day (been up since 5 am)! And did I mention I am 7 months pregnant! lol…blogging and having a full time job is a lot of hard work and dedication and I myself personally am finding myself being stretched very thin.

    I have to agree with Sally of “Already Pretty”, I post, research, respond and check emails with every waking moment I can spare. Via-phone, lunch break, downtime, system lock out. lol…I try to use my spare time wisely.

    Working 40 hour a week and going home to blog, research, check emails, and comment for about 4 hours after, plus finding time to spend with family and your significant other takes some very strategic planning. The funny part is I’ve tried to keep my weekend free of blogging and now they have been filled with attending events, store opening, and face to face reviews with new store owners and designer.

    I sometimes wonder where do I find all of this time and still manage to get to sleep at 10 every night to wake up at 5:30 and start the day all over! WHEW! As I think about it if I didn’t have this type of “strategically placed” life style I think I would be bored. Hey it’s a double edged sword.

  29. Lauren Nicolef

    WOW! Finally, I feel like so many of you “understand.”

    I’m a 22-year-old full time student, studying as a senior. I’m a manager/supervisor at a skin care spa where I overlook, and do all management duties including payroll, marketing, pr and business-related practices. I find myself burned-out most of the time. I work 35+ for work, and 30 hours for school, not to mention running a household and spending time with my partner and pet. It’s refreshing to see all the “big” bloggers who are just as busy as myself comment, and paint the reality that they are just as over-worked as I am. We are all lovers of fashion, but as Vahni said, the people in my life are the most important… and I do have a social life outside of blogging. 🙂

  30. M @StyleSizzle

    Like everyone else, I wish I could find the magic balance to do it all. Work full time, freelance part time, spend time with my family, friends, bf and of course, write thoughtful, amazing blog posts everyday of the week. Oh yeah, this doesn’t even begin to include time needed for networking, responding to comments, etc. (commenting on IFB posts which yes, I’m doing at my FT job right now!)

    It is nice to hear others struggle with the same challenges and that also, we have other priorities in life. I’m hoping to transition to full-time freelancing soon so hopefully, that will enable me to refocus more time on the blog again

  31. kelsey

    I have been struggling with burnout vs. hustling. In Jon Acuff’s new book, Quitter, he says that hustle will fill you up and burnout will drain you and affect other areas of your life. I’m constantly searching for ways to be more productive and ways to love my blog more. It helps, too, that my husband is a blogger as well so we work on it together at night and on the weekends!

  32. Suze

    I work full time. Sometimes it’s a 40 hour week, sometimes it’s more (I’ve have 50 and 60 hour weeks before).
    I am willing to give a little on my blogging time, because it’s not my job, it’s my hobby. Although I adore blogging, and the community, I do sometimes feel like I’m not as involved as I could be, but most of that is ME. I don’t want to spend 90 hours a week at my computer (thanks V!). I want to spend time with my family and my husband, so I make the choice to post less and spend more time with them.
    I use to post at least five times a week, now I’m lucky if it’s three times, and you know what? I’m ok with that, and I think my readers are too!
    We need to do what works for us, and that’s going to be different for everyone.

  33. Clarissa

    I am starting a new project (a blog too, targeting a specific demographic in another country) and all the information you have provided is extremely helpful. I’m so glad I found this blog! Thanks for all the tips!!


    I completely feel this article and read every comment nodding my head. I keep a massive to-do/to-remember list on excel and constantly have to refer to it to make it through my day. I wish I had more time for blogging and for my readers and do to all the projects I really love.. awesome article!

  35. Mode Plus

    By reading all the comments I see I am not alone on this. As a new blogger (just one year up) I do enjoy every aspect of it. But even now realize how ‘demanding’ my blog can get. Many times people who don’t blog, just think I sit around doing nothing, taking pictures, surfing the web. What they don’t know how many hours go into connecting online, taking and editing pictures, coming up with posts, rewriting my English posts(English is not my mother language) and the list goes on and on. All of this effort without any monetary validation. As I’m going in my second year journey, I will be concentrating on balancing private – work and my blog all together. I hope I stay afloat, because I do love what I do.

  36. Liz

    I burnt out to the point of letting my blog go completely for about a month and half…and let me tell you, you almost feel like you’re starting from scratch, trying to build up your community and readership and momentum again.

    It’s so hard to try to make something successful when you can’t devote a full work day to it but like other posts have said, you just have to figure out what success means to you

  37. Kate

    I have given up several times…I’ve had Sweet Fuzz for almost 3 years now and there have been times that I have been burnt out…then I get sucked back in because I love it…and then life gets in the way.

    I agree though that if you put only part time work in, it’s really hard to go the place of success…it really needs dedication and I think strategy is key.

    Keeping focused and not getting sucked into every intriguing link or a shiny new photo is what I’m working on. The 80/20 rule…

    Really awesome post, I think most of us can relate 🙂

  38. Marcia

    Dear Ashe,

    Hello! Thanks for this great post. It’s always nice to have someone to related to in the blogosphere.

    IN the past, I’ve always feel stretched out. In addition with my few blogs, I had to juggle with my honor classes and keep up with a social life. Sometimes I just feel like procrastinating and not posting for quite a while after studying for a long time!

    On those tough days, I either want to slack off and just give up on my blog. Or I won’t focus on my academics. It was quite a daunting time! But since it’s summertime right now, I got more time to manage my blog.

    Thanks again for the amazing post 🙂


  39. Marina

    I absolutely love and needed this post so much specially right now. Trying to balance my full time job, being a single mother and blogging is just getting out of hand. I have a fashion/beauty blog and also do a lot of outfit postings (as those are my subscribers favorites) and is getting harder and harder to take pictures and trying to look nice and fresh in the pictures when sometimes I’m changing in the car with no mirrors during my lunch hour or after work to do the pictures. BUT I love it. Love bloggin’ and all the wonderful people I met so far are definitely worth all the sacrifices I’m going through.

    Thank you so much for this post. Is nice to know I’m not ALONE ON THIS SUBJECT.. 🙂

  40. Emily

    Totally relate to this. I work full-time and blog in my spare time. It can get tiring and trying to find the time to blog as well as everything else that needs to be done when I get home from work can be really difficult. But, at the end of the day, I wouldn’t have it any other way! 🙂

    Great post – thanks, xx

  41. TheStylishButterfly

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!( I just read the tweet)Today 7/13/11 is also my roommate’s birthday. I surprised her this morning when she woke up with a very pretty dress and made her very happy. I hope you’re getting spoiled today with love and good stuff!

    • Ashe

      Thank you, sweetness! And how sweet of you for your roommate– I hope she spoils you too on your birthday!

  42. the fashion turd

    im unemployed at the moment so have much more time to blog which is lovely, but difficult on the old bank balance!…. in my opinion when blogging starts taking over your life its time to cut back….its only the bloody internet after all, real life people, friends and family are far more important

  43. roxy

    Wonderful post — I’m so glad to hear that there are others out there who are blogging while working full-time! Both are equally important to me and I really can’t imagine life without one or the other. The demands of my job help me appreciate the freedom of blogging more, but then again those same demands also sometimes make blogging feel frivolous and unsustainable. I think it all comes down to passion. When the passion to blog is there you make the time for it. When you’re stressed or sidetracked by another passion, blogging seems like more of a chore.

    In the past I’ve put too much pressure on myself to blog like another full-time job. Now that I do it when I can I’m finding I enjoy it much more. There will always be that OCD side nagging me that I’m not doing enough with the blog. If the opportunity to try being a full-time blogger while maintaining my current lifestyle ever presented itself I would enjoy the experiment. But I think after awhile I’d miss my job.

  44. Carcia

    I’ve burnt out numerous times with blogging, but I decided one day to improve my time management. These days everything is so mobile. I don’t have to sit in front my desktop for 3 hours. I can write my thoughts on the phone, plan photo shoots, write a bunch and schedule publishing dates so I don’t have to write everything in one day. Success is possible if you focus on your goals…that’s what I know to be true coming from a family of entrepreneurs, who at first worked full time before their businesses Blew up 🙂

  45. Madeleine

    I am a full time student and a part time politician, and sure, sometimes it can be quite alot with that and blogging on top of it. But I find that blogging is letting me put off my thoughts on my daily work and instead go deep into my interests. Its like writing a open diary, getting appreciating comments on it, which is good for my self esteem, which fuels my energy so I can study even more and also blog even more. But I already have made it a habit for me, to only blog every second day, to keep myself from overdoing it.

  46. Sandra at Debutante Clothing

    Yup, I am now getting to comment. This shows you how busy I am. I’m am definitely feeling the burnout, on top of the fact that I’ve got some personal issues going on. The blog and my online life, while a passion, can’t replace real life people. So my goal is to make sure I have scheduled time for them first. Otherwise, all I can do to cope is veg in front of the TV.

  47. Clarisse

    this is so true. i have a tumblr so it’s not really the same but i also have a personal blog and sometimes, i just can’t post even if i want to because i’m really tired and/or i have a life too.

  48. Jenmarie

    Thank you for this! There was a point that I worried about not posting every day but I allowed myself to be ok with it. Balance is important!

  49. Midnight Cowgirl

    This is so true! I used to try to post fives days a week, but this year work and life have made that goal nearly impossible. Trying to find a work/life/blog balance can be difficult, so it is encouraging to hear thoughts from other bloggers.

  50. absees

    Thanks so much for this post. It totally hits home for me right now. I have a few post worth of pictures and ideas that I have been sitting on because I just have not been able to steal enough time away from the day job to blog. It is great to hear how other people are managing in similar situations

  51. Muddling Along

    I work full time (60+ hours) and then blog plus have 2 small children – to be honest I view the blog as a hobby that I try and find time for (and for which I sneak in time around other things)

    Without an iphone and a commute I’d never get anything done – but yes, I can see a glass ceiling that I will not have as much time as others to devote to it and so its going to be constrained by that

    That said, I reckon I do better than the average on my limited time!

  52. busichic

    What a great post! As an auditor/business fashion blogger and workwear streetstyle photographer I found myself nodding and smiling throughout!

    I had been blogging daily for a year when I went part-time to a 9 day fortnight. However I’ve realised that with the freelance work I’m now getting, well daily is no longer sustainable for me. And since I’m only one person I’ve got to slow things down and look after numero uno. And I like to think my content has gotten better as a result… It’s not easy balancing everything but the great friendships and opportunities sure make it worthwhile learning how to juggle! All the best to everyone!

  53. Erin

    Wow! I identify so much with the feelings of being overwhelmed, overworked and out of control that come through in this post. I have a full-time job and run a small business on the side and try to keep up a blog to go along with that. It’s downright exhausting to think about, let alone to get everything done that needs to be done to make it grow. If people are finding it hard to post 3 times a week, why am I feeling guilty for not doing the same when I also have a business to run? We do need validation, and you just gave it to me. Thank you!

  54. Julie Mack

    Man, this is really good to hear— I thought I was just getting overwhelmed at not being able to do it all. I work 50ish hours a week as an Art Director for a local magazine and try to update my blog 3-4 times a week AND run an etsy shop. I’ve been discouraged that I can’t tackle everything as much as someone who devotes the bulk of their time to a blog/creative shop but now I just feel that’s how it goes! This post is just plain old comforting! Thank you!

    • Adele

      You are doing an absolutely brilliant job, lady! I salute you. Don’t be too hard on yourself, you’re excelling under far more pressing conditions than I.

  55. Anna

    I was thinking about this the other day! Thank you for posting and to all the bloggers for their insight.

  56. Anuli

    This post really spoke to me. I am still trying to figure out how to balance blogging for myself and other sites, as well as going to school, working and doing all the other things I want to do. I’m certainly a work in progress.

  57. Alisha

    Blogging in itself encompasses a whole new community, type of people and new friendships I never knew existed. I find it very hard to want to write, create and express oneself through blogging while not just maintaining but being successful at a full time job.

    It’s even harder when your boss discovers your blog then makes sure you’re not posting on the clock or worse, confronts you about your blog.

    I wish I had more time to devote to my blog, but with a full time job, a husband, a cat and dog (who are like my children) that all seem to need my pattention too I see my blog not reaching it’s full potential…

    Thank you for this post!!

  58. TheOnlineStylist

    I absolutely hold my hand up to those who have full time jobs and blog. I’m mum to a 6 year old daughter, fashion blogger, writer for Upper Street and trend correspondent for a fashion PR company and still don’t get time to fit in all the blogging I want to. I know I don’t spend as much time with my husband and daughter as I want to and feel like I’m eternally juggling. But still something drives me on. What age do fashion bloggers retire… I’m 42 now and not yet counting! Great post. xx

  59. Cadah

    I haven’t updated my blog since May for these exact reasons. I got so in my head that I lost sight of what I wanted for my blog. Two months later I still don’t feel connected enough to start it up again. It’s crazy how life just got in the way and hasn’t let up! Hopefully I’ll be able to blog again and do it on my terms and without looming guilt from some part of my life that’s getting neglected.

    • Adele

      I feel you! Once you leave it for a while, it’s so hard to start posting again; it feels like a continually broken & renewed New Year’s resolution – ‘post regularly’!

  60. Adele

    I work a very physically and mentally demanding job 4 days a week, which means either 8hr or 10hr days. I go to work & it’s dark, & I return when the sun sets. Opportunities for outfit posts on these days are non-existent; I find its also harder to summon the motivation to get out of the house let alone plan a well written, visually stimulating post with quality photos and a coherent structure on my days off as all I want to do is sleep in and eat.
    That being said, I do think I can be pretty lazy; I’ve never exactly been a workaholic and really value ‘me’ time. I feel bad when I compare myself to the people who are so committed they manage to run a quality, regularly updated blog whilst working full time, but I don’t think I could do it.
    I really envy those lucky enough to have the time and resources to blog full-time.

  61. Ana

    I just finished college.
    While I was in it, I worked really hard. I used reading art and fashion blogs as an outlet – I needed something creative to look at while going through mountains of obligations.

    After a while, I was inspired to start my own blog – I wanted to further share all those great things I have seen!

    But it’s only now that I have the time to really plan for that blog – school was really exhausting.

    … And yet, now I’m looking for a job and a master’s degree.
    New obligations, how will that work with a new blog?

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  63. Seattle Divorce Attorneys

    blogging is not easy for me thats why i always looking for the advise and thoughts about it.your article gave me some answer.thanks!

  64. Amanda

    I closely relate to Kristina. I’m not a doctor (coincidentally, my photographer/sister is), but finding the time to create compelling posts, while leading what feels like a double life, is a challenge. I work in the PR/advertising world–skills and tools I’m glad to have when strategizing how to grow my blog, but if you’ve ever watched Mad Men, you’ve seen how life in an ad agency can mean blowing off personal plans at the last minute to complete your 50 (sometimes 60+)-hour work week. I know I’m not alone with this kind of schedule. Anyone with a job has faced that dilemma of putting your job before your family (or even yourself), but boy is it frustrating sometimes. And, like Kristina, I too am reminded of the trivial appearance of posting photos of yourself. There will always be those people who don’t understand it, who do think it’s vein. I have come to terms with them (in my mind at least) and no longer care if they “get” me. If they want to understand, they will. If they don’t, I’ll explain when they show interest. Overall, it’s nice to be a part of this fashion-blogging world where I don’t feel like a misfit in pursuing my love for style and blogging. Cheers to us!

  65. Angie

    It’s encouraging to read another blogger’s experiences with working a full-time job that pays the bills and upkeep a blog. I also have a full-time job and try to keep a blog network going. I can tell when I’ve been so busy and tired – and try to keep up my fitness efforts. It’s those times that my blog stats go down. Frustrating. But I keep working at it because I’m persistent in reaching my goals to produce a blog that generates income. Thank you for the encouragement!

  66. uwalls

    This is a wonderful post. I also constantly post posts after work, but every day after work, it is very difficult to do this, so that it is of high quality and interesting. Thanks for showing, I’m not so alone.

  67. Angie

    I am so glad I came across this post today. I have been blogging since about 2012, but I have stopped and pretty much started over several times. I just do not have the time at certain times of the year. I blog and also work as an Instructional Assistant at a school 4 days/29 hours per week. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t do it anymore, but then I miss it and start back-up. My blog is about reading books, goals, and recipes, etc. I also wish I could spend more time on it, plus spend time with family, get housework done, dinner, and other important times in life. I have just recently decided I just need to make it work for me and if takes me longer to get there or can’t post during a certain time frame or not post as often as I would like that is ok with me. I love to write, but have other responsibilities as well. I just have the mentality I do what I can and leave it at that. Thanks for the post! I really needed to read this today.

  68. James from Element Pack

    Great article. I freelance, sometimes full time sometimes part time, but it’s still work. (And thank God for that! I need the money.) I consider my blogs part of the PR that keeps the freelancing going, so I try to think of it as part of my work, but I only post 2 or 3 times a week, and when it gets really busy less than that. It’s a juggling act for sure.
