hat girl lake

12 Reasons You Won’t “Make It” as a Blogger

I've contributed for IFB for the past four years and have written a LOT of posts.  I've also received thousands of comments over the years, so I feel like I have an idea of "what the IFB community wants."  Su...
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10 YouTube Stars to Watch (& Learn From)

In the internet galaxy, YouTube is a universe unto itself. In just over eight years of existence, YouTube sees over 1 billion unique visitors who watch over 4 billion hours of video. PER MONTH. While the traffi...
life story best seller

Daily Inspiration: Life is a Story: Make Yours The Best Seller

My whole life I didn't know what I wanted to do, but it had to be extraordinary. Now, my life didn't turn out to be exactly "extraordinary" but so far, I've been able to accomplish most of my goals on some level, and I've collected a few good anecdotes along...
wacky watermarks

5 Photoshop Tricks That Will Ruin Your Photos

The invention of Photoshop is at once one of the best things that ever happened to photography and one of the worst things.  Now we have several options to edit photos, there are endless photo apps, Instagram b...
fashion illustration

126 Niche Fashion Blog Ideas

Do you know your niche? Honing in on a niche for your blog can be difficult in the very general topic of fashion. Fashion is a glamorous, beautiful topic, and it's hard to decide which direction to take ...
woman operating typewriter

Blogger Grammar Basics: Colons, Ellipses, and Dashes

Last week I talked about grammar basics with periods, commas, and semi-colons, and this week I'm getting into the fun and fancy punctuation: colons, ellipses, and dashes. These get used often by bloggers, but they aren't always used correctly.  I can be a ...
behind scene

Behind the Scenes: How a Fashion Blogger Makes Money

I always appreciate getting a "behind the scenes" look at income breakdowns and the nuts & bolts of making a living as a blogger, so I thought I'd get on the other side of it today and give you a peek ins...
kind words unlock iron door

Daily Inspiration: Kind Words Will Unlock an Iron Door

It's amazing what kindness can do. It can enrich your life, build the foundation for wonderful relationships. Even when meeting people, paying them a genuine compliment is a nice way to start a friendship. While this proverb is probably talking about...
voice not echo

Daily Inspiration: Be a Voice, Not an Echo

We talk a lot about developing a "strong voice" here on IFB. It's the quality of a blog that's often cited as the single most important. Another way to think about it, are you voicing something original,...
neck collar design

8 Ways to Be Insta-Awesome on Instagram

I'm loving all of your dialogue in using Twitter and Facebook pages for promoting your blog! I'm continuing the series this week with a look at how you can make the most of Instagram for your blog. With over 100 million active users - and only 59% of the top...
tough people last

Daily Inspiration: Tough times don’t last; tough people do.

I don't know what this has to do with blogging, except that having this approach to life will make you a better blogger. Some of my favorite sayings are, "this too shall pass," and "the only thing you can count on is change." When it comes to tough times,...
girls under tree

10 Ways to Build an Insanely Loyal Following

The internet is a fickle place. One minute you're hot, and the next minute... well, let's just say people move on quick. Building a loyal following can be difficult in a time where everything changes so quick...
beautiful thing never perfect

Daily Inspiration: A Beautiful Thing Is Never Perfect

Perfection might be a virtue for some people... but in reality, how much do we really love perfection? Anne Hathaway is seemingly perfect, kind, talented, smart, and beautiful, yet all the gossip columns ab...
artist first amateur

Daily Inspiration: Every Artist Was First an Amateur

Yes, it is true, every one begins as an amateur. I would even go a step further and say, we suck at first. Maybe some have a gift and do something ok the first time. But for the most part, to really become an artist at what you do, it takes practice, de...
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7 Steps to a Fabulous Facebook Page

Thanks for your responses to last week's Twitter article! While I can talk about Twitter all day, Facebook takes a little more effort for me. However, it remains one of the most visited sites in the world, ...
surprising phrases getting wrong

10 Surprising Phrases You Might Be Getting Wrong

Many of us bloggers may not have started our blogs out of our love for the written word. There are many bloggers who are "ideas" people-- those who love sharing information about a favorite topic. Personally,...
girl showing cash

Get Paid: Invoice Template for Your Blogger Services [DOWNLOAD]

The good news is, your blog is in business. You've got your first project approved by the client, and now what? You need to GET PAID! Sometimes business is done with a handshake, but for tax purposes, both for you and your client, having a paper trail ...
high quality fashion blogs traits

7 Common Traits of High Quality Fashion Blogs

"Be so good they can't ignore you." ~Steve Martin I keep going back to this, because it's at once sage advice, and completely subjective advice. For bloggers wishing to become professional, getting noticed i...
fashion blogger personality types

The 6 Fashion Bloggers Personality Types

Fashion bloggers are an interesting mix aren't we? Who else takes photos of ourselves (often with a tripod) and posts them on the internet? Sounds strange when you say it out loud doesn't it? But somehow it's...
versos sombrios cover page

10 Easy Ways to Get More Twitter Followers

"How can I get more followers?" Whether you are just starting out on Twitter, or have been on it for a few years like I have, that's a common question people have. With over 200 million active monthly users, surely you can get a bigger piece of that Twitte...
camera glasses pencil pictures

4 Creative Examples of Successful Sponsored Posts

After affiliate links & advertising, sponsored posts are the third tier in monetizing your blog. But how do you present these without them seeming like adverts in the midst of your otherwise heartfelt con...
girl holding umbrella

Beginner SEO Tips for Fashion Bloggers

When you take a look at your analytics, where is most of your traffic coming from? For many blogs, as much as 50% of traffic can come from search engines.  With IFB, 44% of our traffic comes from Google organic search, and 4% comes from Twitter. A majority o...
professional blogger signs

7 Signs You Might be a Professional Blogger

"I want to be a professional blogger." We've all said it, but what does it mean? I imagine that for each of us the definition of professional blogger varies.  For some of us, being a professional blogger m...
small things become great

Daily Inspiration: Small Things Become Great When Done With Love

Never underestimate what love can bring to the table. Your blog might be small, your tweet might only reach a few people, but if you show up and put your heart into what you do, it will show. When you love what you do, you will put in that extra effo...
6 tax tips for bloggers

Six Tax Tips for Bloggers

Have you filed your taxes yet? In the business of blogging, taxes are the biggest drag. For most of us at least. In fact, you many be reading this post in procrastination of actually doing your taxes. But no ...
posts promotion 23 ways

23 Ways to Promote Posts & Increase Your Blog Traffic

Writing your blog posts is just a small part of growing your blog. The rest is getting readers to your blog...and that's not always as easy. While there are some tried and true means of growing your blog, there are infinite ways to get your message in fron...
six graphic design resources

6 Graphic Design Resources For Fashion Bloggers

Great graphic design is a critical part of branding your blog. It's as important as your Twitter strategies, your photography, hey, I would go as far as to say as it's as important as your text. Why? Becaus...
blogs influence purchases

Actually, Bloggers DO Influence People to Buy

Sometimes getting feedback on the impact of blogging can be tough. I keep thinking about how Mickey Drexler once said, “I have yet to see a correlation in my industry between great social media and great numb...
9 fashion bloggers

9 Fashion Bloggers Worth their Weight in Words

There are more niches in fashion blogging than we could ever begin to cover, but its worthwhile to explore bloggers whose main tool is words, not photographs.  Those who are exploring (and blogging about!) fashion through its history and design, sociology an...
long hair brunette women

How to Protect your Blog from Plagiarism

Guest Post by Sandra Miller After investing that much time and effort in creating fresh, interesting and completely unique content for your blog, it would be best to also make sure your posts are protected...
never overdressed overeducated

Daily Inspiration: You Can Never Be Overdressed…

Gotta love Oscar Wilde. But it's true, especially in fashion blogging. You can never be overdressed in this industry (even if some say we are "peacocking"). And even more so, you can never be overeducated. Whether it be learning about your favorite d...
big enough dreams

Daily Inspiration: If Your Dreams Don’t Scare You…

  Who would want to have scary dreams? Probably not very many people. When we say, if your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough... we're not talking about the kind of fear you see in zombie movies. We're talking about the fear that exists...
everyone perfect unusual ways

Daily Inspiration: Everyone Is Perfect

"You are perfect, just the way you are." Either you love hearing that, or roll your eyes. But the truth is, that more often than not, we subject ourselves to self-criticism in the name of improvement. Ho...
head fears dreams

Daily Inspiration: A Head Full of Fears Has No Space For Dreams

When I was young, I didn't really know people who really went after their dreams. Not in the sense of reaching for the top of the top anyway. When I met someone who wanted to be a photographer, and just applied for jobs at fashion magazines and got them it...
glossi interface

Create Your Own Digital Magazines With Glossi

Click to view OntheRacks on GLOSSI.COM When I was in High School, I wanted to create magazines. More like fan 'zines with a photocopied issues with handwritten and typewritter'd text and collaged ...
kiley stenberg pencil heel

Blogger True Story: My Blog Helped Me Get My Dream Job

I met Kiley Stenberg of a Sequin Dress at Breakfast a few fashion week seasons ago at a brunch (where else?) and we've been fast friends ever since. While living in Des Moines, Iowa, Kiley has been working at an agency who's clients are mostly construction and...
ernest miller hemingway

Quotes from the Lost Generation on Writing

I've recently started reading  The Paris Wife; at 70 pages in, I'm completely captivated by this historical fiction piece and forgetting it's not an autobiography. More so, I'm reminded of my fascination and ...
every night forever

Blogging Tip: How to Write The Perfect About Page

When you start blogging, the first page you should think about adding to your site is the about page. Although it is one of the most important pages on your site (along with the contact page), it is often con...
kelly erin glamourai sister act

Sister Act: Blogging Duos Keeping it in the Family

As an only child who grew up spending most of her time providing her own entertainment and playing make-believe by herself, running a blog solo has always felt natural to me. I like the control, I'm comfortab...
jessica stein close up

The Instagram Habits of Mega-Popular Fashion Bloggers

  Do you guys even remember the days before Instagram? I mean, of course you do -- but really, where would we fashion bloggers be without it now? Despite some perceived hiccups like being purchase by Facebook and changing their privacy policy an...
viral content fashion blogging

Viral Content in Fashion: What Makes It Go Big?

  In digital media, we're all looking to capture that special something that could make our content go viral. It can feel like luck of the draw and often prove difficult to pin down just what exactl...
fashion bloggers tablet

The 6 Best Tablets for Fashion Bloggers

Can a tablet make keeping up with your blog easier and which ones are the best for fashion blogging? I resisted the call of the tablet for a while, thinking that all I needed was my trusty MacBook. But aft...
live two weeks without social media

True Story: I Went Two Weeks Without Social Media

Sounds dramatic, right? (Or maybe you look at the headline and think, "Two weeks without social media? That's so EASY!" Shush you.) Since I began blogging 5.5 years ago, social media (and my blog) have taken hold on my life. I've been an early adopter ...
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Why There is No Such Thing As “Privacy” On Social Networks

Yesterday news broke that Randi Zuckerberg, former Marketing Director at Facebook mistakenly posted a family photo (reacting to the new "Poke" app on Facebook) to her subscriber feed. She thought the photo was only for the eyes of her close friends and fam...
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4 Timeless Blogging Lessons From Carrie Bradshaw

By Emily VanderBeek, Isn't That Charming It’s safe to say that if Sex and the City had started 10 years later, Carrie Bradshaw would have been a blogger. New York City’s “It” girl would have tweeted to M...
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Where to Draw the Line with Copied Content

While a pessimist would say, "Nothing is original." an optimist would say, "We're all inspired by each other." In the creative industry, there are times when someone's "inspiration" is a pain in the ass....
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Jealousy & Envy in the Blogging Community

Perhaps it's not the most festive topic this time of year, but I've been thinking a lot about jealousy and envy in the blogging community. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's felt more than a tinge of one or both of these things in my blogging days... L...
artist first amateur

You Are Creative: Here’s How To Ignite Your Spark

By Emily Vanderbeek of Isn't That Charming Pablo Picasso is turning in his grave. Ernest Hemingway is shouting from the heavens. Andy Warhol is glaring at me with warning in his eyes. Why? I’m about to g...
unabashedly prep

Design That Shines: 10 Tips For A Dynamic Blog Header

The header of your blog is the first thing your readers lay their eyes on. It sets the tone for your content and gives them a feel for who you are and what your site is all about. Myself, I've redesigned my header probably half a dozen times in three years...
instagram captions jazz up dullness

Why Instagram Captions Matter

By Emily VanderBeek, of Isn't That Charming Who needs written words? A picture speaks a thousand of them. Colors collide, events are shown and emotions are displayed all without speaking. Especially on netwo...
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Link Building 101 For Fashion Bloggers

By Ally Biring of FeelUnique.com. Posting gorgeous, brilliant content is unquestionably the best way to increase traffic.  The second best way is link building.  And while there unfortunately isn’t a clear formula for accomplishing the former, there are...
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27 Signs You’re Addicted to Instagram

We'll be the first ones to raise our hands and admit that we might be addicted to Instagram. Okay, okay we definitely are. The photo-sharing app has become something of a phenomenon for everyone from blogge...
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7 Fabulous Free Fonts For Your Fashion Blog

Sometimes with free fonts you get what you pay for, tacky, clunky and unrefined. Sifting through "free font" websites has always deterred me from browsing through the masses of "free fonts" that I'll end up jus...
ashley olsen long hairstyles

14 Quotes from Fashion Icons That Will Inspire Your Blogging

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! -Audrey Hepburn   Just be true to yourself, and listen as much as one is able to to other people whose opinions you respect and look up to but in the end it has to come from you. You c...
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6 Great Custom Logo Shops on Etsy

Getting that perfect logo is never easy. The FedEx logo famously cost $1Million dollars because it has a hidden arrow. Paul Rand, designer of the iconic IBM logo once told Steve Jobs that he would only design o...
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Write Your Next Post – in 30 Minutes OR LESS

Bloggers and gentlemen - prepare to be amazed! I'm about to dazzle you with instructions on how to complete a feat of Internet magic: You can write your next fashion blog post in 30 minutes - or less. ...
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8 Tips to Jumpstart Writing Your First eBook

By Glee of The Gleeful Fashionista One way to monetize your fashion blog is by selling your own products such as eBooks. Its a good source of passive income which can generate revenue for years to come if you know how to market it and to use affiliate p...
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What’s The Right Platform For Your Fashion Blog?

Whether you're just about to start a blog or looking to switch platforms, choosing the one that's right for you is a big deal. It's like choosing a city to live in. You can always move, and you can rent an ...
take better photos indoors

5 Easy Ways To Take Better Photos Indoors

You might think shooting indoors is easier, since you can usually control all of the elements around your shoot -- but often times photographers struggle with getting that stunning photo while indoors.
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The 10 Best Gadgets For Your Blogger Fashion Blog

Where my Blogspot fashion bloggers at!? Can I get a woop woop? I know there are still many of us out there who use Google's blogging platform, Blogger, for their sites (myself included). It's a very user...
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25 Ways To Get Your Blog Featured

Be the first, be the best. But what else can you do to get your blog featured? We've rounded up 25 ways give your blog that extra push into the spotlight...
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How I Finally Started Making Money With Affiliate Links

Here's the thing about advice: you can listen to it, read it, and agree with it - but actually putting it into action? That's something totally different, isn't it? As an editor at IFB and a personal style blogger myself, I have the interesting dual rol...
3 Ways To Say “Thank You!” To Your Readers

3 Ways To Say “Thank You!” To Your Readers

You know that feeling you get when you open up your mailbox and see a small, pretty envelope addressed by hand, specifically to you? It makes you feel special, doesn't it? It's even better when it turns out tha...